MV Builders

Good Projects are the wealth of a Company

Our creations for happy world

All our projects are designed and constructed with a perfect blend of internal amenities and external infrastructure. In addition, we provide the members of the MV family, the pleasure of living in a Lush Green Environment with well laid infrastructure amenities and 24x7 copious continuous essential services. An absolute combination of green and dwelling with peaceful, satisfied ambience assures a calm living.

Current Project: (Under Construction)

MV MAITHRI compacted with benevolence

Happy to launch our new project in Boologa Vaikundam, Srirangam, where everyone in the Universe have an ambition to live during their lifetime, especially during their retired livelihood. Our project is situated very near to Thayar Sannidhi which is helpful for easy navigation from home. MV MAITHRI provides a passenger lift with ARD (Automatic Rescue Device) facility to cater the needs of all walks of life. We assure MV MAITHRI will fulfill the need for benevolent moterly homes with a compact architecture surrounded by soulful temples and lovable people.

  • Around 1km from Srirangam Thayar Sannadhi.
  • Lush Green Environment
  • 2km from Bus Stand/Railway Station.
  • 3km from Government Butterfly Park.

Current Progress

under construction photo of MV MAITHRIunder construction photo of MV MAITHRIunder construction photo of MV MAITHRIunder construction photo of MV MAITHRIunder construction photo of MV MAITHRIunder construction photo of MV MAITHRIunder construction photo of MV MAITHRIunder construction photo of MV MAITHRIunder construction photo of MV MAITHRI

Floor Plans

North Facing Homes


image of floor plan design

FS1/SS1 (3D View)

3D view of the floor plan

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image of floor plan design

FS2/SS2 (3D View)

3D view of the floor plan

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image of floor plan design

FS3/SS3 (3D View)

3D view of the floor plan

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image of floor plan design

FS4/SS4 (3D View)

3D view of the floor plan

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South Facing Homes


image of floor plan design

FN1/SN1 (3D View)

3D view of the floor plan

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image of floor plan design

FN2/SN2 (3D View)

3D view of the floor plan

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image of floor plan design

FN3/SN3 (3D View)

3D view of the floor plan

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Car Parking Plan

image of car parking design plan

Route Map

image of navigation route map for MV Maithri

Completed Projects


On completion of MV Vistara, launched MV Tvasshta an apartment complex with 5 units of condominiums at 1500sqft each. With ample car parking space AND daylight OPTIMISED ventilation for all the units. We got a very good response and all the units are sold out upon completion..

MV Tvasshta
MV Tvasshta in night view


MV Vistara 2020

Pristine and Picture perfect, MV Vistara is on the alluring island of Srirangam amidst sacred water and sprawling greens - truly-one-of-a-kind destination.

These 2 BHK homes combine serenity, comfort and style in a perfect measure to offer a holistic lifestyle and a prized possession to pass on to your loved ones. This apartment complex features expansive open spaces, vast parking lots, beautiful and facility loaded homes. The MV Vistara gives its owners the flexibility to unwind in their own little paradise.

front view of MV Vistara

MV Vistara

Chaitanya Kutir

Chaitanya Kutir

Chaitanya Kutir 2017

On seeing all our earlier projects, Shri. Venkatramanan from sharjah having a very good land available very near to the Srirangam Temple rampart wall.

with our enormous dedication and ultimate support from our architect and structural consultant and of course financial support from Shri. Venkatramanan.

The project is completed within nine months and yielded very positive results as the owner himself holds all the five units constructed and running a successful service apartment venture.

We proudly say upon all the above projects "Chaitany Kutir" gives immense support technically to us and financially to the owner.

MV Dwaraka

MV Dwaraka

MV Dwaraka - 2016

On getting the astonishing results from pranavm and brindhavan, we decided to have condominiums that too in a duplex house pattern (ie- hall, kitchen, bedroom and toiletries at one level and additional two bedrooms with balconies and toiletries at next level)

This proposal also clicked as having a very positive response as well as gives a delightful spatious ambience for the members of MV family.

Aparajitha and MV Brindhavan - 2015



While doing brindhavan Project, an NRI wanted to have the project in a similar nature. We bought the plot and developed four large condominiums and at present all the houses are utilized as service apartments. We proudly say that aparajitha is the successful venture as it yields very good results for both builder and the customer.

MV Brindhavan

MV Brindhavan

On completion of MV Pranavm, the next project brindhavan designed in such a way that the same amenities in a spatious floor space. That idea gives us pleasant results and comparitvely we sold all the units before completion.

Chaitanya Kutir

MV Pranavm

MV Pranavm - 2013

pranavm defines the commencement of a creation wherein we found apt our first project named as pranavm.

It consists of only four compact units with a huge UDS area (almost equivalent to floor area)

All units have car parkings, modular kitchen and built-in wardrobes and cupboards.

Being the first of its kind, all four units sold within a span of a month upon completion.